
Evolution and future of Augmented Reality

What is Augmented Reality :

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital data on the real world, enhancing our perceptions of reality. AR is becoming mainstream with the advent of modern smartphones and AR headsets. More and more students are learning to code just to be able to find themselves a place in AR world.

Evolution of AR

The evolution of AR can be traced back to the 1960s when the first head-mounted AR system was developed. Since then, AR has found applications in several fields such as gaming, advertising, retail, and education. One of the most significant developments in AR was the launch of Pokemon Go in 2016, which popularized AR gaming. 

Future of AR 

The future of AR is promising, with forecasts projecting the AR market to grow to $198 billion by 2025. The advancements in AR technology will lead to a new era of smart glasses and headsets which will revolutionize the workflow across several industries. AR will also be an essential tool in the design and manufacturing industries by aiding product visualization and development. With the AR market growing at a rapid pace, AR developers will have a lot of opportunities to create innovative AR applications and experiences.